Friday, January 29, 2016

Travel Day to LA

...Well, technically to Burbank. Greetings from SFO! Thus far, my flight is already delayed ("Awaiting Aircraft") and I've already lost something (the cap for my Up), so it is promising to be a good holiday. 

Fun fact: SFO is decked out in NFL paraphernalia. 

I'm not a huge football fan, so I'm not really fussed that I'm missing the Super Bowl. Yes, it would be interesting, but also crowded and touristy and traffic-y. The Olympics? I'd be super excited. The Super Bowl? Meh. I'll probably see it again anyway. 

But I'm on holiday instead, and I can't tell you how happy and relaxed I feel. I haven't had this much time off since Winter Break, senior year of college. This is great. No IDSs or IPRs or QPIDS stress for me for several weeks! Ahhh. 

And now I'm waiting for a massage, and I have priority boarding and baggage due to my shiny new United credit card, and I can just be myself. YAY to vacationing!!!

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